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Showing posts from May, 2016

Struggle To Sleep

I need to wake up. To welcome the dawn. To let the excruciating night go. Oh, but wait, I haven't slept the whole night! Is this how Insomniacs feel? Live? Tried all tricks to trick my mind into slumber. Tossed and turn. Tossed and turned again. Until my arms pricked my shoulder. Until my waist bone pricked my stomach. Until my spine went spineless. A part of smile seems to control, cajole and hurt me. For it traces rapidly before I can stop it, With thoughts picked up from different departments of mind. It digs deep. Into the ocean of unrelated events. I block it. Alas! Futile. It sneaks into neighboring neuron. Seduces couple of them. Copulates. Creates a new one. Ah! Now I have to block this too! And then when I do. Teases me. Tears me. Like the boon of Raktabeej, one drop of thought begets to thousand more and more. The clock strikes 3. The night's moving away. I yell. I cry. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. I decide to pact. I