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Showing posts from June, 2012

Now Rahul Gandhi Shuns The Congress Presidential Candidates and Proposes his OWN NAME for it.

This **FICTIONAL** article of mine appeared in Scribido Magazine .................... By DELUSIONAL REPORTER It was a Shocking!! Surprising!! Amazing!! Exhilarating!! Perplexing!! Googly!! Yorker!! Idly!! Wada!! Dosa!! Sambar!! for the unpaid and pauper news channels to bark, crap, yell madly, deeply and foolishly, after the newly formed couple TMC & SP announced their favourite candidates list by defying the Congress’s pet candidates: Pranabda and Ansari. What was even more shocking!!! Confounding!! Sucking!! F***ing!! was the rarely-taken-stance by Barkh Dutt’s dream boy, Digvijay Singh’s amulya shishya , Prince (UN) Charming Rahul Gandhi, who shunned his own mother’s advertized candidates for President. In an exclusive ‘personal’ interview to Delusional Reporter, he said, “I, hereby, son of  the late bofors-scam-tainted , ex PM Rajiv Gandhi, openly eschew the candidates touted by my dictator mother and declare myself as the only potential candidate.” He fur


This **FICTIONAL** article was written for SCRIBIDO Magazine and can be checked out HERE By Delusional Reporter The Congress (non) Working Committee meeting was held yesterday in New Delhi, which was, obviously headed by ‘honest’, ‘poor’, ‘dictator’ and ‘most-patriotic’ (PUN definitely intended) woman, who happens to be the chairperson of UPA. They all gathered to discuss and devise ways and means to continue ‘scaming’, looting, bludgeon tax payer’s freedom, increase the BPL criterion to Rs.50, to employ more media buffoons and pay them enough to rant on their behest in public. But the Delusional Reporter has something to unravel; after the ‘showcase’ meeting, there was a clandestine meeting held between in-part and non-party sycophants. I have exclusive transcript of that ‘clandestine’ meeting… As soon as the ‘formal’ meeting gets over, Sonia Gandhi, Chidu and Kapil Sibal walks into a separate room and I follow them silently only to find Ranting Queen Barkha Dut

Blank Pages

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 28 ; the 28th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton . The topic for this month is 'BLANK PAGES'. The topic for this time BAT is really very intriguing and that helps my imagination to ascertain new ways of representing my thoughts. So, let’s assume, until this article ends that we have given some blank pages to a few daunting problems of our country. We have asked them to be absolutely honest and pen down their true nature.  For once, they have agreed to THINK and if, their thought process satisfies themselves, they are sure to pen it down for all of us Corruption : I know right now, I am the most loathed topic of this country for I have extensively extended my perimeter and exist pervasively. I have tricked in many people to embrace me and often coaxed them of having a luscious lif