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Showing posts from October, 2012

Story of an Untold Story

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 32; the thirty-second edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following  Blog-a-Ton . The theme for the month is 'An Untold Story' "You miss her ??" asked the son to his father who was on the verge of entering into senility. “I have never. Nor do I intend to.” was the sturdy reply. Son sensed the succinct rudeness in his father’s reply. Trying to be indifferent he proceeded further. “Well… true. You only miss someone when that someone is absent; mother is present in your heart and you can’t deny it.” “See, you got me” said his father with a smile on his wrinkled face. “Dad, I wish she was with us today. I could have seen tears in her eyes when I was about to go abroad for my job. I could have asked her to prepare all delicious desi dishes to eat.” There were tears in his eyes while saying this

How subsidies are doled out- part 1

The original post can be found out HERE I reiterate my semblance that I am anti-communal, anti-rightwing, anti-left, anti-aam admi, anti anti-Congress and also, the most important one- Pseudosecular. I am happy that our otherwise silent-struck-deadpan PM finally spoke on the television to “address” Soniaji’s message to the nation and beg people to support him. He, in his gruesomely awesome speech, said that in 1991 banks were not ready to lend India loan and the economy was faltering and we were heading nowhere. So our London School of Economics passed erudite removed his magic wand, swung it along with the minority-government champion PM P.V.Narsimha Rao and look!! Tadaaaa… Our economy resurrected; rich people were saved from losing money and poor people were not able to gain money. So you see, this stupid aam admi is always cribbing. Why give a damn about him. You raise diesel price-he will cry, you raise petrol price-he will cry, you raise LPG- he will cry. At this point