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How subsidies are doled out- part 1

The original post can be found out HERE
I reiterate my semblance that I am anti-communal, anti-rightwing, anti-left, anti-aam admi, anti anti-Congress and also, the most important one- Pseudosecular.
I am happy that our otherwise silent-struck-deadpan PM finally spoke on the television to “address” Soniaji’s message to the nation and beg people to support him. He, in his gruesomely awesome speech, said that in 1991 banks were not ready to lend India loan and the economy was faltering and we were heading nowhere. So our London School of Economics passed erudite removed his magic wand, swung it along with the minority-government champion PM P.V.Narsimha Rao and look!! Tadaaaa… Our economy resurrected; rich people were saved from losing money and poor people were not able to gain money.
So you see, this stupid aam admi is always cribbing. Why give a damn about him. You raise diesel price-he will cry, you raise petrol price-he will cry, you raise LPG- he will cry. At this point it is important to notice that aam-admi is spoilt brat, a beseecher, a buffoon, an illiterate and above all- an intolerant bastard. He neither understands economics nor politics. Our government always works for this stooge and thus loses its precious money which can be otherwise used to benefit pseudoseculars like me, in initiating another mega-ultra scams.
These people think these “reforms” are anti-people. Let me prove that these reforms are anti anti-people.
First of all our leaders need to fulfill their populist promises. For instance, we need to provide them free food, subsidized diesel and petrol, free mobiles, free laptops, and free electricity. So what if we are not concerned that these people get proper education or not! So what if we know that, instead of spoon-feeding we can train them to have their own food by providing appropriate means and ways to earn.
If anyone accuses that this pathetic condition of Indian economy is due to Sonia Gandhi and her cohorts in the National Adviosry Council (NAC), which has verily did the work of looting our national treasure in the name of doing good to aam admi, it would be unfair to term them as “looters”. They are not bloodsuckers either!!! Because of them we got Food Security Bill
We DON’T have a subsidized government. We are so much striving hard for subsidizing everything- like we have taken care that if Food Security Bill is passed, we will successfully be doubling the food subsidy to 2% of the GDP notwithstanding that the fiscal deficit will then be more than 5-6% of the GDP due to this. We have proudly increased the food subsidy by 300% from 2006 to 2012. Ok, not agreeable? I will make it easy by telling you that we had spent INR 2,850 crore on food subsidy in 1991 and in 2011-12, we have kicked this spending to whopping INR 78,825 crore.
Look at the brighter side of the Food Security Bill; one should hardly care that we will need to import 70-80 million tonnes of grains (though Indian farmers produce surplus and most of the grains rot due to lack of proper storage which involves building Controlled Atmospheres (CA) and cold-storage tanks), which will again increase our fiscal deficit. Through this we can dole out wheat, rice and coarse grains at Rs.2, Rs.3 and Re.1 per kg respectively. Now this scheme is literally and succinctly PRO AAM ADMI because this will not only benefit 65% of the poor population-above and slightly above poverty line- but also play an important role in securing votes.
In short the FOOD SUBSIDY bill will give legal rights to our beloved paralyzed government to increase its vote base among poor people and to subsidize food to almost two-thirds of the country’s 1.2 billion population.
As Tavleen Singh- another rightwing-leftwing journalist says that back in the time of Indira Gandhi, when she sensed the growing dissent of the people she introduced many pro-poor policies to regain the lost love of the people, she introduced many socialist schemes one of them was aimed to eradicate malnourishment; three decade from then, we should forget that still 50% of India’s children are malnourished.
So in my next part, I will carefully and tacitly bring the powerful benefits of another such act called Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (originally in 2005, it was ONLY NREGA, later in 2009 it was renamed to MG NREGA).
Hail Populist Policy!!!
Hell Aam-Admi ka rona!!!


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