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Showing posts from March, 2013

"F?@K Knows"- A Book Review

Who are we? Why are we here? Are we serving any purpose- be it our own or someone else’s? Why aren’t we following our dream, if at all we have ever dreamt! If we have a job, why aren’t we happy then? When shall/should happiness come to us? Are animals freer than us? Or are we caged in our own little world of freedom? The answer: " F?@K KNOWS ” This is what Shailendra Singh asks you in his super cool-cum-hilariously-mocking book “ F?@K KNOWS ”. The dichotomy that prevails in my mind is: whether I have to review this book as a ‘typical’ book or do just as my heart asks me to do! I choose to do latter one- because once you read the book, that’s exactly what Shailendra Singh says! Is this F?@K’in self-help book? Depends on how deplorable is your condition. To, me it is grossly wrong to promote this book by tagging it under “Self-Help” category; for it is enough to drive away those voracious book readers who detest Deepak Chopra, Oprah, Shiv Khera ...

Truth stranger than fiction?

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 37 ; the 37th edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton . The theme for the month is " Truth is stranger than fiction " Truth says, " Life of many is under my siege, They live, love, loathe and beseech To my august character To let them have none But a hunky-dory life! What they do shamelessly, Is to monger, instead mollify problems, Until one fine day, when things go haywire And are vindicated by miserable doldrums. I remind them of their glitch, Hard, but, none manages to switch. Allege and accuse me for their lacking grit. But never, think to change me, For I am not reality, but a mirror to contradict. I wish they inspired themselves to fight, As opposed to, what they usually do, flight. Then seek solace in fiction, which ostensibly allevi...