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"F?@K Knows"- A Book Review

Who are we?

Why are we here?

Are we serving any purpose- be it our own or someone else’s?

Why aren’t we following our dream, if at all we have ever dreamt!

If we have a job, why aren’t we happy then? When shall/should happiness come to us?

Are animals freer than us? Or are we caged in our own little world of freedom?

The answer: "F?@K KNOWS

This is what Shailendra Singh asks you in his super cool-cum-hilariously-mocking book “F?@K KNOWS”. The dichotomy that prevails in my mind is: whether I have to review this book as a ‘typical’ book or do just as my heart asks me to do! I choose to do latter one- because once you read the book, that’s exactly what Shailendra Singh says!

Is this F?@K’in self-help book?
Depends on how deplorable is your condition. To, me it is grossly wrong to promote this book by tagging it under “Self-Help” category; for it is enough to drive away those voracious book readers who detest Deepak Chopra, Oprah, Shiv Khera and et al. These champions have already done enough by showering heavy dose of nondescript motivational fiefdoms.
This book is simple, honed and hits the bull’s eye in very first pages. Written in an extremely lucid and light manner, it makes you do some introspection- one which we often deny to perform.

Why should I F?@K’in read it?
Definitely not to improve yourself! You have to read this book to read Shailendra’s life. How he discovered ‘real’ life amidst synthetic life stuffed with negativities 24*7. This man realized that he has got the balls to stand up against wishes of people he love and chose to embrace what he wished in his life. Easier said than done? Yes! A trick is given to ascertain if you are really happy and following your dream: Stand in front of mirror and ask yourself “Am I happy?” The instant answer which you shall get will be shocking and disappointing and then ask “Why am not happy?” This will take long time, for you would be puzzled to know that things related to you seem blurred.
The author describes some very good short stories stuffed with fun and important lessons. One such story is the conversation of God and Shailendra, imaginary though, which mocks us and leave us with the same feeling after being tight slapped by someone. Another such story pretty much begets the same response. So beware of none but your own conscience!

Does he give F?@K’in solutions?
Yes! In the form of CHI F?@K. To know more about it, just go out and buy!

Why the F?@K he wrote this book?
Ok, I am not spilling beans; he wrote this book when (it’s ‘after’, but truly speaking, it ought to be ‘when’) he had a fatal heart-attack with 90% blockage and it was the time he realized he hadn’t lived his life- on his terms. It was then he made F?@K IT list of things he wished to do. One of it was to write a book.
I have to admit that this book is going to remain close to my heart. It has enlightened me to follow the path of none but my own dreams and expectations. I have just made F?@K IT list and will f?@k that list by doing every damn thing written on it.


Author: Shailendra Singh

Genre: Non-Fiction (Only if you fail to listen to your heart)

Price: Rs. 195/- (Too less to the happiness you discover after reading!)

Publisher: Rupa Publications

Pages: 234( One night stand ! )

ISBN: 978-81-291-2388-6

P.S: Shailendra Singh is very famous guy in advertising industry and is the producer of ‘Pyar main kabhi kabhi’ and ‘Phir Milenge’. Why he produced those films? Answer lies within the book.

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!


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