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Many people think of dissatisfaction as a negative emotion that should be suppressed or denied, but in actual fact dissatisfaction is one of the most important ingredients for success.
What most people don’t realize is that dissatisfaction is a powerful form of fuel that has been the driving force behind many of the world’s greatest achievements.
You see, in order to be dissatisfied, you must want something.
And if you can identify what it is that you want and then stoke the fuel of your dissatisfaction, at some point it will ignite and propel you to take action.
Here’s an example that illustrates how this works in the real world.
Yani was a concierge in a large city hotel. He always did his best to help hotel guests and tried to maintain a positive attitude, however, deep down Yani was dissatisfied with his job and career prospects.
Whenever Yani became aware of his dissatisfaction, he tried to suppress it. He told himself not to have a negative attitude and to just accept his lot in life.
However, one night after dealing with a particularly rude and arrogant guest, Yani knew he had to face facts – he was dissatisfied and it was time to do something about it.
He analyzed his dissatisfaction and after a considerable amount of thought, Yani realized that what he really wanted was to pursue his interest in computers and technology, but he had no idea how to go about making such a major life change.
He knew he could not just quit because he had bills to pay, but over time Yani’s dissatisfaction continued to grow and like fuel to a fire, it increased his desire to make a change.
When Yani came across an advertisement in a newspaper for adult night classes in computer programming, the fuel of his dissatisfaction ignited and propelled him into action. He rearranged his hotel shifts and immediately enrolled in the course.
Two years later, Yani walked through the lobby of the hotel with a laptop bag across his shoulder. The computer consulting company he now worked for was holding a conference in the hotel function centre.
The hotel hadn’t changed, but Yani had. Fueled by his dissatisfaction, he had taken action and had succeeded in changing his circumstances and the direction of his life.
“Dissatisfaction is man’s driving force.”
- W. Clement Stone
So the next time you feel dissatisfied about something in your life, instead of dismissing or denying your dissatisfaction, recognize it for what it truly is – a hidden fuel that can spur you on to achievement and success.
Remember that if you are dissatisfied, then you must want something. Spend the time to clarify what it is that you want, and utilize your dissatisfaction to propel yourself into action and make your dreams a reality.
Until next time,
Dare to Dream!


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