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Lost Last Letter-1

You dint move. I came closer & closer, killing the distance between us which was stuffed with gentle blowing air. I was staring at your blazing eyes and seem to get lost into it just like the distance between us was. I could feel your breath growing harder & harder. Your face expression was staunchly growing with queries pertaining to our closeness. In no time we could feel each other’s hard breathing. I was totally unaware of what was going to happen the very next moment, totally scared of what’s going on in your mind ,is this the right way we are heading to ..and many more which were denied of all answers. At that moment, only one thing mattered & that’s me, you and the beautiful time we were having, which was going to be cherished or perished elegantly. Not sure about which way it would turn.
Out of nowhere, a rapid memory started playing by itself at the back of my mind. Those memories indulged all the wonderful times we spent in hating with each other. Those grueling fights entertained by abusing words in hindi, slapping each other tightly and many more. But given a record of the series of events that happened to us from past 7 days, it made me change my mind & heart for you. never in my wildest dream I imagined myself in a manner which never fell in our kitty. Hard feelings had sublimed to the fragrance of love. Like the stupid bollywood love stories I started loving the things which I hated the most in you.
On that day, I had gathered courage from all possible ways, theories, etc.i wanted to confront you by letting you know “ I love you”, but was feeling very difficult to do so. I was amazed how at times I told this to many girls. Better to say fooled them. I had ….
And the bottom part of letter was missing. Devika held this letter which she was reading in her right hand. Her heart was suddenly filled with guilt. That guit which she had been trying to deny with every single second she lived. She closed her eyes with all power she had. Tried to press them hard with her chin from below and eyebrows from above.
Drops of water started falling on the letter. She wished they were tears but it had started drizzling. The letter was getting soaked. Slowly in span of 5 minutes it started pouring down heavily, followed by thunder and lightening.
She retained her normal calm expression and gave a sarcastic half tilted smile, only after she found  herself standing next to the dead body of Raj lying next to her feet, whose letter was in her hands…………….
(to be continued...)

p.s: To read the next episode, stumble and click here


  1. hey i told u bfr i hv startd narrating a story.. n who read d above thng...i guess u mit a lil shockd wid d ending....plz let ur reviews flow.

  2. Tragedic end... each and every bit is very well narrated in the story....splendid.

  3. Another mind blo(g)wing stuff andya... Good one... ;)


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