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y i felt to post my 1st blog!!!

Hi friends…this is the star of my blog’ism’ ….today I am feeling very strongly to write,not specifically my blog,but just something which will keep my interest alive in my hobby of writing.
I used to love writing essays in my 9th & 10th std when our English mam gave me topics pertaining to social issues or to serious thinking after joining engineering its like a full stop to al my xtra ciricular activities….
It’s a special occasion fr me today, cos I hv learnt a lot 2day…something gud n acceptable to my heart..its nt a single point but it’s a stream of things striding own my mind.
Today in our AIET COLL a quiz was arranged. This quiz was conducted by TCS TECH BITES .dis ws der 2nd year . I participated last year with my friend ruqs,but cudn mak muc out of it since I had my mind and time indulged in my house shifting activities. Also I had very less tym coupled with less resource ,wic ws thus a foolproof of me not performing well…ha ha dts hw I cover myself wid excuses.
So nw came year 2011 n the quiz ….i changd my partner dis tym from ruqs to mux!!!!
Wel d justification bein ,it wsn her fraternity n I cudn mak any1 prepar out of der forte…true isn’t it!! Mukund had a gud basic knowledge abt dis all stuff. So he to me seemed d rit partner,although Mahesh persuaded me to team up with him for the quiz. mahesh and sachin wer othr partners.
A week back exactly,I decided 2 prepar myself ready fr d quiz… I had a reason fr dat n it was dat I din trust my memory power unless its brushed on each n every day…2 nights n 2 days continuos preprations wound hv made any difference in my knowledge henc started my prep..i assignd myself d area of varios IT n technology relatd companys portfolios ,der origin ,der survival..
Initially I was intended wid quiz in my mind,but ltr as tym passed on I developd a very keen intrest in dese thngs n soon foud dem 2 b fascinating n alluring. ya wt lured me was d influence of my ambition n passion of being a CEO n imagining dese thngs happening to me1 fine day as I hv a gut feeling wic states me sturdly dat m destined to dat. I began to love n enjoy readin dat stuff dis whole process my knowledge was growing in d field in wic m destind to.
Days passed n side by side mukund als did a bit by bit n wen I realy say “bit by bit” I strictly mean it…coz its mukund…d guy whu kws many thngs bt is shy 2 admit dat he kws or not? Shy here refers to not abl2 undstn himself. his job was2 collect taglines,slogans n abbreviations,wic he did bt itseems evn he had my prob of not remembering thngs in jus 1 instance.
The day came i.e today.. frm morning , I had my al gud omen in my corner n so did mukund….we both wore d same apparels wic had fetchd us prize in “ad-video” more gud thng was he explaind me d significance of imagining in a positive way….wic he did in an impeccable way..
We had tough competition frm Mahesh n less (not quite ignorable)competition frm sachin..we wer discussing many thngs n I turnd out 2 b the far more better decoy of wt I hd assigned to myself.i kw realy more thngs in my area den res 3…d prelims went by n we didn perform well in dat wic ,d othr  team did..on two –three extra questions..
Then d moment we compard d answers I knew it wsn jus our day..we had2 let it go…I did find it hard at 1st bt den gve a gud thought 2 it n found it to b quite unraveling…
Results wer announced n d othr team got selectd fr the finals….wic did dig a bit hole in some small part of my mind….and d hole grew deeper n deeper creating an unoblivios ,desparte excrutiating effect…
It so happened dat d questions askd in finals fell in my forte’s kitty n I could answer almost all of them leavin 2 or 3 of dem…wic made me feel dat if I would hv jus rockd out der along wid Mahesh…n at d   end it was his team whu wer d runner ups……
N yeah in d middle I did bag a TCS CAP fr answerin a question whus answer no1 knew….ha ha dats a consolation fr me fr nt makin it up2 der.
Nw I learnt very imp thng n dats …………lyf is never as u xpec it to b unless u hv got all resources to make it as per ur expectations….resources here to dos whu r readin may b LUCK, bt I find dis  LUCK FACTOR  impotent in any way..wel der r some unread , unsaid thngs wic happen 2 u everyday,everytime kwingly or unkwingly….the thngs wic haapen to ue kwingly ,we cal dem reasons…n dos happening unkwingly we call dem “LUCK”.
Relating to wt happened to me was 2day unkwing..i coudn cal it as LUCK…I had al d tools needed fr makin it thru to finals bt jus it wasn’t enough fr dos tools to come into picture of wat I thought shud hv happened to me….
So guys der might b a day or many days in ur lyf wherin thgs jus don turn out as u want …so jus don put blame on ur LUCK…sit down ,think n reckon on hw thngs got changd in dat specific tym…don mak any conclusions cos ur thoughts r affiliated 2 nly dat moment…..let it pass away…face it….once gone…its again u n ur wonderful lyf wid hell lot of options,wid hell lot of cheers hidden in it.......cos at d end of d day….its u whu matters to urself….
This is my 1st blog…plz frns jus comment incase u lyk it or dislike it….let me kw if m wrng in some ares …thnx fr readin it..


  1. good background :)template;)
    right choice for u:)

  2. felt good after readin, though ur 1st blog i dint feel so..... luck factor do exist u may experience in future...

  3. @maheh
    hey coment on writing nt on bckground!!!!!

  4. @mukund
    thnx budy......wel let me c if my luk turns around

  5. Suggestion - Run a spell check on word first, remember ur not SMS'ing here.
    ... Havent read it complete but expect more suggests to come in a while .

  6. yup bro..dats rit...i actuly m usd to go fer sms'in language....wil definatly improvise on it...n read it cmpltly n leme kw suggestions

  7. wow!!!its really very nice, the way u conveyed your experience...
    congrats for the TCS cap
    LUCK according to me is gods grace
    frankly speaking i m impressed by your language(words u use in context)

  8. @Andya: Good one... :) :) Someone started blogging atleast... :)

  9. well put aniruddh i liked it a lot

  10. @praveen..thnx buddy ..i realy lykd dat humble comment of urs
    @sachin...thnx dude
    @mansa....thnx dat u lykd it

  11. well... good u could change ur mind so early:)

  12. gud 1 mate...dnt elaborate so much..

  13. hmm good u changed ur template background...:);)

    wel good written n expressed abt ur feelings..:)
    bt ya luck does play a very imp role smtimes...
    and tat day it wasnt ur day..
    anyways dnt be upset we'l both do together next time n we'l rock techbytes...:)

  14. Its really nice to read ur blog Andya. As u posted ur first blog in the same way i am reading a blog first time :D, so don't hav much knowledge about it but really impressed to read... About LUCK i soport praveenkumar and accordng to me we should blame good things to LUCK and lost things to ourself so that we could learn through it.. U participate from our clg thats great thing bro, best of LUCK for next time...

  15. @mahesh
    ya i hd2 chnge d background or else u wudn spare me..ya i kw dat day wasn my day bt i defntly don blam2 ma luck...dun kw y bt i am jus not beliving in luck en it comes to dat day

  16. 2moiz..
    thnx buddy .ya u n praveen may b rit ..but i stil feel dat we ppl blame a lot on luck...

  17. Great start!!!!!!!!! And take care of comma's and full stop's.

  18. very few of us can make out time for ourselves, n one such guy who does, n has a considerably good,or say bit rich vocabulory happens to be a "BLOGGER"
    simple as that!!
    But , you tried; thats appreciable .
    Keep writing us anirudh.

  19. 1st blog...tari pan chaan ahe....very nice...this is the second blog which i'm readin...first blog was my frend's(saiprasad) which i've seen......
    Luck is what happens when our preparation meets opportunity.
    We all dream a lot - some are lucky, some are not. But if we think it, want it, dream it, then it's real. we are what we feel.


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