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“Hey what’s real beauty for you”, I asked my friend, just trying to wonder what people think about being beautiful. I was a bit taken back on seeing his blank face in search of an answer, not at least to please me but to himself. He was speechless which patronized me to think about what does this word exactly mean?
It’s ironic that in our daily dogmatic routine we use this word very often, so often that it is used to acquire all sorts of material & immaterial things hovering around us who brings happiness & when asked the meaning behind it, we get nothing but very insipid answer.
Have a look at the image below. The screen behind appears to be a set of dance reality show.
The lady, whose rocking her steps is a renowned dancer, Sudha candran , Chennai born dancer, on one of her return trips from Mumbai to Chennai she met with an accident resulting in the amputation of her right leg. She was given an artificial leg and despite this terrible disability, she became one of the most accomplished and acclaimed dancers of the Indian Subcontinent. She has received and still receives invitations to perform all over the world. She has been honored with numerous awards and has performed all over the world. She appears often on Hindi television and in films.
Still thinking what I am trying to depict you, and then just give one more shot

The laurel in the image is Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. He gave his first public performance as a pianist when he was only 8 years old. He studied in Vienna under the guidance of Mozart. By his mid-twenties he had earned a name for himself as a great pianist known for unpredictable and brilliant improvisations. In the year 1796 Beethoven began losing his hearing. In spite of his illness he immersed himself in his work and created some of the greatest works of music. Beethoven’s finest works are also the finest works of their kind in music history: the 9th Symphony, the 5th Piano Concerto, the Violin Concerto, the Late Quartets, and his Missa Solemnis. And he achieved all this despite being completely deaf for the last 25 years or so of his life.

Now this, according to me is a real beauty. The dictionary meaning of beauty conveys that it’s a feeling which gives pleasure to our senses. Here are the only 2 personalities out of millions present in the world who have conquered their disabilities, which indeed includes loss of any one sense or many. If we go by the real definition of beauty it should bring pleasure to their senses, & how on earth that’s possible when you lack any or even one of THEM? This was the question posed  to them by the society on discovering their disabilities. But these wonderfully elegant people fought with their disability, being disabled by themselves…..
That should undoubtedly call or in the most apt manner it’s rightfully impeccable to term it as REAL BEAUTY.
The trauma that most of the people face is they have differentiated beauty into two facets: external & internal, with external being the more prominent of the two.
All through our life we keep on staring the beauty which is been projected to us externally & some of us are quite insightful to peep into its reality & find the beauty inside it; this is beauty.  The blissful flora & fauna, the landscapes, forests, animals, reptiles all fall under the category of beauty…. But not real beauty.
Real beauty is struggling to keep your struggle alive; it’s the quest to survive the survival offered to us by life. It’s that instance in your life when you leverage yourselves to stand up to the challenge produced & excel in it.
The above personalities are the ones who have blossomed by their real beauty while there are thousands of such people trying to make their existence & this can only be possible when we all start showering our care, attention, appreciation, et al. It’s time for us to stop presuming real beauty in 2D & just personify the other aspect of it.  


  1. Now , what you have thought is the real beauty. Cheers!!!

  2. Truly a nice an inspiring perspective of beauty! :)

    Check out my post at -

  3. 2amar....thnx a lot buddy..ur comment means a lot to me..n ur d 1st one to comment fron indi blogger....vry happy to c dat.
    i wil surely reflect on on ur blog


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