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This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 24; the Twenty-Fourth
edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for this month is BLACK AND WHITE.

The bell rang and a woman in her late-fifties opened the door within few of seconds. On opening the door, she found her sobbing, tearful eyes a ray of hope, which soon out busted into bitter weeping. The man she was staring, put his bag down and hugged her tightly and said in a placating tone, “I am here for you aunty. Leave Anuj to me. I am here to resurrect his life.”

 “Son, you are my only hope. I have relinquished in doing so”, replied those eyes immersed in agony.

“Since how long he has been in his room?”

“Two weeks. Once an aspiring ad-man, is now struggling to endorse his self-confidence to himself.”  And the tears kept flowing with low cadence.

“Send me a cup of coffee after an hour, will you?” asked Tarun and hurled towards Anuj’s room before the lady could affirm.

There was a knock on the room from outside which fretted meek Anuj who was seated in a dark corner of his room. He went berserk while opening the door and was about to yell presuming it to be his mother, but the shadow said something else. He couldn’t ascertain the whereabouts of this manly character.

“BLACK isn’t it? Your life” said the man starring Anuj at the door.

“Who the hell are you!!” was the rude reply.
“Does it matter to a guy who has given up to darkness in his life? “

“I don’t have time for this shit, so please, whosoever you are, get lost” and just when he was about close the door Tarun moved forward and thwarted this attempt.  “It’s me, Tarun” was the reply as he entered the room. Hearing this, Anuj switched on the dim light and sat in one of the corners silently.
Tarun sat on the chair nearby, waiting for Anuj to look into his eyes and speak up. 30 minutes gone it didn’t happen and finally Tarun spoke breaking silence, “Why does one need to be rued after relation is terminated?”

“Coz the essence of life is annihilated and life loses its luster without the essence” replied Anuj.

“What exactly are you referring essence to? Relationship?”

“Do I need to mention it? Relation is strongly built on love. Love is something you can’t describe, just like an essence.”

“ohh..I see...” said Tarun calmly and allowed Anuj to continue,

“I loved a woman truly and had this wonderful relationship. It came as a blessing to me to see life in a different way. That way, which always made me feel unconditional LOVE... the support, the caress. It brought a change in my life, though I had everything I always felt I incomplete; like  missing most important part of my life.  Rachna, as you know is full of exuberance; the smile on her face is the best part. It makes me oblivious of my worries and I instantly become happy. We have been together for 5 years and that every moment spent with her has stuck to me, there isn’t a moment when I haven’t missed her since we broke up. The moment we kissed for the first time, we first time we saw movie together. We promised to be together in tough times and look now, she DUMPED ME!! BLOODY DUMPED ME!!”. 

Anuj wept bitterly then, Tarun got up from his place and sat next to him, putting his arms around Anuj, and gestured him to continue. “She chose someone else instead of me, why ?!! She didn’t justify her stance and I won’t ask her to do. I have an interview next week in one of my dream ad company and I regret of not being a part of it. The hope in me is died. I am not any other love-stricken-betrayed-fanatic but this is something which I can never get over with. I don’t wish to live. My life is all BLACK now; my heart can’t see even a trace of WHITE in it.”

“Stop it now!!!” yelled Tarun letting Anuj forcibly out of his arms and heading a bit backwards from him. “Don’t utter a word. Did you just say your life has become BLACK? Do you at least know what are you speaking of? “

“Have you ever thought that your relation has made you a parasite? Yes a PARASITE who feeds on a girl’s smile, her love. I am amazed to see you not crying now for you have broken up but on the other side I am dejected that you haven’t taken up the cue from it.”

“Anuj, all these years you thought that relation made you stronger, wiser, etc. and I am sorry to say that you have been mislead. It has made you weak, poignant and sufferable because you are so depended on her. You can’t take a decision without being with her! Do you think all that time you spent with her was here to live forever? Do you expect to have same feeling of love all the time? Do you expect yourself to subject to this kind of emotional dependency such that you have lost yourself from within? Peep into yourself and you will be ashamed of yourself for being so weak all the way for 5 years. Every moment with her has made you to stop believing in yourself and start believing in her. It has killed your ability to entrench and enact your own thoughts."

"You think love is ESSENCE of your life, well I say, LOVE is a feeling which superficially makes you feel strong but deep down inside, unknowingly maligns your self confidence. You become a parasite and start begging love every time you feel you are devoid of it. Love, to you, is indescribable? Because from within you know this feeling is too adamant to allow your thoughts flow freely. You keep curbing the voice within; reasoning out to be in love and follow the blase cliche of EVERYTHING IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. You know why it’s fair, because you are afraid to face reality. The thought that your mere dependence will be soon over, makes you carry out trivial steps and thus claim it to be ‘fair’. You know what is fair; it’s being just to yourself, realizing that your mind isn’t so weak to depend on LOVE for every time you will do so, it’s going to degrade morally, gradually."

"You aspire to be an ad-man, willing to change thoughts of millions with a creative idea of yours, and then before you can make a travesty of this profession, please denounce yourself for having this dream. Mind is the strongest, virtually albeit, but it has munificent power to carry out the most difficult job on earth and it is evident from the evolution of man in his social life. If everybody failed in love and though WE FAILED in LIFE, then we would never have been able to take strides towards milestones. Our generation seeks happiness from such petty things and then on failing, sulk citing that life is full of blackness and keep delving white a ray of white light in external materials rather than seeing into themselves.”

Getting up and ready to leave Tarun spoke with resolute tone , “When you say life is BLACK, it means, just like BLACK absorbs everything, you have absorbed all petty things in your life, some intended, some unintended thus making yourself meek. Whereas when you say your life needs to be WHITE, it means, just like WHITE reflects almost all rays of light incident upon it and retains its charm, you now want to reflect those very same things which have made you black and reclaim your lost self confidence in your own thinking”.

Aunt came in with coffee but Tarun refused it politely and left the room. Anuj got up from the dark corner, took the cup of coffee with a smile on his face, went to the open the window and let the sunlight come inside. He closed his eyes and felt the rays touching his face and embracing his smile. He saw Tarun leaving in his car parked down and said to himself, “Thanks….”

P.S: This is a very small and humble attempt of mine to great writer of all time for me, Ayn Rand,. hope i have done at least 1% of justice to her writing style....

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following href="">Blog-a-Ton.


  1. Excellent writing bro..accolades.!!..few typo mistakes truly this material can take the face of a book some day..Long way to go bro....cheers..keep writing..!!

    1. yup buddy. was in a hurry while posting so missed out on many typo mistakes..
      thanks for appreciating

  2. likedthe way you related black and white in the story

    1. i am glad that you liked what i meant to say. thanks :)

  3. I am glad that Anuj did reclaim his lost self confidence. Beautiful story on Black and White.. All the best :-)

    Someone is Special

    1. well Anuj had to after someone made him to 'think' at last :)

  4. Nicely written.
    Too good and too true.
    I wish everyone has a friend like Tarun.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. thanks.A friend like Tarun rests within us and it's our duty to find him within us :)

  5. Only because you chose to dedicate this to Ayn Rand, I will ask you to correct sentence construction errors and numerous grammatical errors. Rand had to laboriously improve her English skills before and while she wrote her novels. You could go a long way if you tried better. The story wasn't bad. It was refreshing and ended on a positive note, which is generally considered good.
    All the best for BAT.
    PS. Rand has written some of my favourite books as well. Atlas Shrugged is up there in my list. Cheers.

    1. i am delighted for this comment for it will for sure help me in improving.
      the dedication here to Rand is about her writing style and in that process i unknowingly neglected those errors. i will surely work on it.
      thank you so much.

  6. Hi Viva_andya

    The good thing about this story is that you have a good imagination which is essential for anything you write.
    I want give you a couple of pointers, as someone who used to make a lot of typos and had major issues with sentence construction here are my tips which help me a great deal.
    1) I spent a lot of time reading some good blogs and books which helped me a lot.
    2) Try to get your stories or articles proof read by someone else, our eyes often miss typos and it sounds good in our head.

    3) Keep writing and keep writing more, push yourself and you will see great changes in your stories.

    My best wishes to you, keep blogging :)

    1. yes. you are exactly right. thanks a lot for important points. i will devise a plan to get my mistakes rectified and corrected from my next post. i am still a novice and will gradually take up suggestions from fellow bloggers like you and improve myself.

  7. Nice, thinking, moving post. Just that don't write long paragraphs, divide it into modules, that helps!
    Liked the way you talked about Black absorbing everything and White reflecting all, good luck with BAT buddy! :)

  8. quite a good story.. i liked it man......hope every anuj out there gets a tarun to redeem and re-identify

    rajathecritic - BLACK AND WHITE

    1. here in the story Tarun is an insinuation for one's ability to think and regain their lost contemplating power.

  9. A very good story of hope and optimism. You are right. Life has to move on, no matter what.

    1. that's exactly the idea and motive behind this story :)

  10. nice story of journey 4m black to white..i liked d way u related black n white concepts.. gng great ani:) long way to d best:)

  11. I like your imagination...the flow is great...keep up the good work...!!

    1. I am glad you liked it. I will try yo keep it up.. :)

  12. perfect interpretation of colors with perception of life... )))


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