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Complicated Relations?- Part 3 (Concluding Part)

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“Sorry Shruti, as decided presciently, I couldn’t make to dinner last night. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Why would I mind? Even I was busy last night with my article. I am glad that we met today, albeit the same place.” Replied Shruti… continuing her sentence, “Do you really want to listen to my story?” , her eyes made a questioning move to Vasant’s eyes.

“Yes, very much… I presume you don’t know where Darshit is, do you?”

“I wish not to know. I saw his face three years back and I don’t want to reminiscent the withered past” the tone grew stern with this line.

“Well Shruti, why do you hate him so much? Nobody needs to certify Darshit. He is the MOST CULTURED & MANNERED guy I have ever seen. He never defies anybody’s trust, feelings and integrity; deals with utter veneration everybody’s thoughts, very ambitious, determined in chasing his dreams….”
“Stop it!!! Will you?!1” screamed Shruti and with an exasperated expression, she frowned away from 
Vasant, but he managed to get up from the rock quickly and persuade her to get back with some fake-some-real apologies.

A silence followed between the two. Vasant kept starring her angrily upset face; as if she was gripped with some ghost of past, a dark yet strikingly tough-to-digest truth.
“Sometimes, ambitions precariously ebb you, they make you greedy: for achievement, for success and for fame. That is exactly the story of my love life.

Once when I started to work for a local English magazine after my graduation, I was very happy and contented with my job which involved talking to people and framing my opinion on issues and writing it.
One fine day, he came up to my office and asked me to come out and have coffee with him. I was surprised to see him after many days. It had been a long time since we met last time. We both were busy with and in our lives. But I had this gut feeling that though we didn’t meet up regularly, we both had a matured relation. Unlike other fascist couples, we never resorted to flaunting of our love by some imbecile actions and stunts.
That day, having met him after many days, I hugged him tightly in front of all my co-workers. We left for the coffee shop. While having coffee he said that he wanted a break up. I didn’t ask for any justification and left the place silently”.

Cutting her in the middle, Vasant erupted, “what!! You didn’t ask him the reason for his decision? Insane!! Freaking insane!!How did you digest that!! I still can’t believe that you both are separated. This is a bit hard to believe. C ‘mon, don’t lie to me Shruti …. Just be honest and come up with truth. You think you can coax me with such a petty reason”

The moment she heard this, she calmed down, wiped her moist eyes, sat opposite to Vasant and holding his hands with eyes locked up with his confounded eyes, she spoke softly, but swiftly,” My dear lost friend. This is the truth. Why is your mind too stubborn to accept this? It’s because, you, and of course and many of us, always expect a big, adventurous drama when a relation ends.
I don’t say you can’t have, but the point here is, not everyone has a Bollywood pot boiler, fictional story. This is pragmatic world and the life we lead is full of reality, devoid of all fiction and drama. We always make ourselves believe that something different, uncanny should always happen when a relation is made and destroyed and in the process we forget that life also has simple things in it too.
I am serious. This is what happened back then. I loved him truly and so did he. I bet anything on that. Well fortunately you will believe me in this since he was your best friend. But there were things in front of him to be sorted out and he did so. He didn’t wish our relation to be a hindrance in his dreams, ambitions and success. I don’t wish him a good life because I don’t need to be an altruist all the way to do so. We aren’t in relationship anymore and thence I, or him, has no credentials to wish anything for each other.”

“You’re such a nice girl. Thoughtful and matured. So bold, but still soft spoken. Life has been so cruel to you”

“Shut up Vasant, LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, any relation can’t be cruel to me and my life. I have many parameters to measure the beauty of life. Don’t cry like a sick girl!! By the way, how come you are unaware of all this? Aren’t you in contact with him?”

“Not much. His is the CEO of his own firm named BRIGHT TECH and hence a very busy man. He runs every second. He has hardly got time for his best friend”. Getting up from his place, Vasant asked her, with a lingering smile on his face, “You do realize that you have accepted this relation with me, in front of my and your family, do you stand by that? ARE WE BOTH READY FOR THIS?”

“We are never ready for what comes up in our lives. It’s the sheer perception and courage within us makes us rate what comes to us; some call it ‘sorrow’, while some ‘joy’. Some calls it ‘luck’ while some ‘helplessness’. And right now I am not calling it anything. Let’s just start the new chapter of our lives, not by trying to UNDERSTAND each other, not trying to SPEND MORE TIME with each other, by not CURSING our fates, by not trying to ADJUST with each other; let’s start by SIMPLY living the way it comes, by simply enjoying the moment we have and by simply being SIMPLE.”
And having said this, both started walking together near the shore to enjoy the impulsively shy sea waves, to enjoy this moment…………………………………..


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