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Blank Pages

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 28; the 28th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic for this month is 'BLANK PAGES'.

The topic for this time BAT is really very intriguing and that helps my imagination to ascertain new ways of representing my thoughts.

So, let’s assume, until this article ends that we have given some blank pages to a few daunting problems of our country. We have asked them to be absolutely honest and pen down their true nature. 

For once, they have agreed to THINK and if, their thought process satisfies themselves, they are sure to pen it down for all of us


I know right now, I am the most loathed topic of this country for I have extensively extended my perimeter and exist pervasively. I have tricked in many people to embrace me and often coaxed them of having a luscious life on doing so.

My biggest apostles are my criticizers and my biggest enemies are silent chokers. When they try to break their silence and get a change in the society, I use one of my viscous sides to make them quiet again. To do this I use many subterfuge ways and not only subvert but also subdue with my diktat panache.

Everybody vehemently opposes me but approves me in disguise. Everybody maligns me, but what they forget is I am conceived out of your own thoughts and ‘corruption’ is just another name given to me by all of you. If I wasn’t born, none could have been happy, country wouldn’t have progressed. This sounds ironic but yes, I work for only a particular class of people and their betterment is my job.

Now I am asked to pen down my feelings and my nature!! Well my nature is governed by your irrational selfishness, your greed and hunger to feed your already full stomach. So if anyone has the moral rights to fill these blank pages, it’s not me……. Ask my perpetrators to do this. 

I am only a virtual body; ask those rapists and voyeurs to fill these blank pages……………


Unlike corruption, everyone has great predilection for me. Besides embracing me, they wish to stay with me forever. Almost 80%of India’s population is with me and in near, or far future, I am thoroughly convinced that no government or ‘aam admi’ shouter can and will annihilate me.
There are umpteen coups and conspiracies to sideline me, kill me, harm me; all in vain. Interestingly all these mentioned conspiracies help my friend corruption grow stronger, thus edifying my existence to newer heights.

It’s ridiculous when people promise my followers to ‘free’ them from my clutches, but what they forget, is that they are the only ones to increase the number of my followers.

Now I am asked to pen down my nature!! Well, I have a plethora of followers, ask anyone among them and they will vie for penning it down; in various forms and in various languages…………..

They have tasted each and every part of virtual body; they can better review the flavor and fill these blank pages….

I am equally known compared to my dearest kin: poverty. I am the one who strives hard for this country to remain undeveloped, backward, parasitic, and vulnerable to exploitation.

No matter how huge an ‘education scheme’ might be, I always manage to emerge victorious. I am used as a proper tool to achieve poverty, increase crime rates in the nation, thwart them to learn and fathom what’s right and wrong. By snatching all their intellectual capacity, I rule their conscience and govern their actions.

I am divided here in male and female. The former, to some extent, disowns me but the latter completely smiles with me and spends the whole time with me.

I am also divided geographically: urban and rural. While here, the latter is my origin, the former seems to make me scarce and extinct. I will never let that happen because, I know none from the former will take up the onus of defeating my purpose, in my own arena.

I am the really one to fill these blank pages with my nature??

I wish I could fill these, but as my name says, I don’t know to write. I am glad that I can think!!!

Caste and Religion; 

We both are twins. Religion is my elder brother: age wise and riots wise. I respect him a lot. But at the same time, I am larger in terms of volume. My brother has only few cracks whereas I have myriad internal counters. My name is caste.

I tout; better to say ‘my worshippers’ tout me to be the best virtue they have got with them. They imbibe me in their thoughts, actions, language, love, hatred, dissent and so many things. I am the ultimate stop for them to delve what’s right and wrong.

The incisive truth is I am born, not out of cultures, but merely out of their interpretations and inane cacophonic perceptions. My naïve original form has been battered, bruised and tampered innumerable times to give rise to a new avatar. I love this new avatar. It’s so comforting and secure.

Me and my brother love to see people fight against each other, torture and abandon bonhomie only to quench my thirst of seeing distorted mindsets. No youth can counter me for I am inherited and no one defies me irrespective of the age and modernity he is exposed.
We siblings will never fill these blank pages, because, our illusionary customs, traditions and culture don’t allow us to express this. Ask the one who has intellectual capacity of assessing us; i.e ask A TRAITOR……………………………

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


  1. It's a very well written post and an interesting observation and a unique way of writing a post on 'blank pages'. I liked it and sharing it.... keep walking!!!!

    1. Thanks a lot for liking and sharing it.
      I am glad that someone really liked the content and commented on it which is otherwise rare on my blog :)

  2. Thats a very different interpretation of the topic. Interesting!

  3. nice work Andy.. keep writing.. :)

    1. Ty buddy... I will try my best to keep writing

  4. Excellent thinking and meticulous writing, I just SO adored your post! Thanks and all the best for BAT.

    Btw, yes any number of Teach Indias have been suffering to reach the rural audience. your post is like a wordly Satyameva Jayate Aaaaaaaaamir :-D

    Cheers!!! do stop by my blog, Kappu

    1. I am happy that I was able to convey my thoughts on Blank pages. Thanks

      well about Amir khan, I don't charge myself to speak the truth :)

  5. Replies
    1. :) that's a sweet and simple ....liked it very much

  6. Very creative take highlighting the core issues plaguing human society.

    1. when the blase modus opreandi doesn't work, we need to delve new ways to dole our thoughts :)

  7. I think you have the most distinguished post wrt to the topic we all have written about. I did not imagine writing about what you and how you chose to write about, most other takes were somewhat conceivable.

    We can`t write enough about the four topics you`ve chosen to discuss and I believe that will continue on for a very long time to come.

    1. I am very happy that my post seemed very distinguished to you.
      the thing is anyone can imagine writing it if only they shun the old or 'old wine in new bottle' kinda perception and think out-of-box even when we write on any topic :)

      This is just an introduction to 4 problems...

  8. Yes, we need to do a lot to fill all these Blank Pages. Well said.


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